Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bien venuto 2010!

Happy new year to all. My best wishes goes to all my family and friends and this year should be about (more) painting and less about talking. For those following my blog, my apologies for keeping you waiting so long. Just to let you know since my last post back in June last year till now I have been quite busy studying and doing research. I still have about two years before completion, however it should not limit me from painting.

Since my last post last year I have been jogging around with books. On going projects are temporarily on hold and my short term goals have changed slightly. Some interesting books I have read and recommend are "The Drucker Difference", "Henry Mintzberg Managing", "The Strategy Focused Organization", "Brink's Modern Internal Auditing", Fraude Casebook Lessons from the Bad Side of Business", "Nonproft Governance, Law, Practices and Trends" and "Corporate Governance A Practical Guide to the Legal Frameworks and International Codes of Practice".

For those more interested in painting than reading I have two finished painting that I should post by next week. Let me keep this as a surprise. You might have seen one of these painting as work in progress but you'll see.

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